About the project

The cultural and creative activities in our organizations play a key role in enhancing our adult students and

participants’ innovation, and creativity as well as enhancing the well-being and self-esteem of these adult students.

This is especially true in the case of adult students with a disability or with limited skills from disadvantaged

groups in society like migrants. The Covid 19 pandemic affected these activities drastically and, in some cases,

brought them to a halt. Even our local networks partners belonging to the creative and cultural sector have

suffered from the pandemic at a similar rate. The project will establish a partnership for creativity between our

organizations that aim to:

• Stimulate European awareness among our adult students

• Enhance skills development and competencies that reinforce creativity and boost quality, innovation

• Enhance the students’ digital skills and competence in using online teaching tools and social networks

• Enhance the students’ communicative skills at the European and international levels

• Contribute to the recovery resilience of the cultural and creative sectors

The project will engage our students in several online and local activities in the form of:

1.Design competition for projects logo, brochure, and handout calendar. Students at the classes where the

project will be piloted can voluntarily participate in the design of the project’s logo and /or brochure.

2.Writing competitions where students write 1 A4 page about a fairy-tale from their own culture. Language

Teachers in each partner choose 5 different students texts based on their quality to be read in public if the

prevailing Covid 19 allows it or in an online event at each partner school, Three fairy tales will be voted to be

published in the project blog and translated to English and PJM and the other partner’s languages. The students

will dramatize the winning fairy-tale from each school in cooperation with local cultural organizations. The role

play will be presented at the partner school and published online i

3.the projects promotional hand out calendar contest: participants from the courses\study groups will join a photo

completion to choose several photos taken under the activities of the project by the participants using mobile

phones for the projects handout calendar.

4.The project promotional video contest participants from the pilot courses\study groups will join a video

completion to choose video clips taken of the project’s activities by the participants using mobile phones

all the following competitions will acknowledge the EU and international personal integrity and privacy laws and


to enhance the capacity and share knowledge and good practice the project partners will attend 4 transnational

meetings held at each of the partner organisation. each partner hosting the meeting will arrange a half-day

workshop on a topic related to the project’s activities as follows:

1.Digital tools for learning contests in Sweden

2.Digital Photography to enhance learning and self-esteem in Poland

3.Roleplaying and dramatization as a learning tool

4.workshop on elementary video- making for Students with low digital skills using Biteable

All the project activities will be documented and evaluated using different questionnaires to students/ participants

and the teachers /instructors. To disseminate the project locally. regionally, nationally and internationally, the

partners will use the following tools and methods: the project brochure in English and leaflets in partners

languages, the projects half-annual newsletter, the projects promotional hand out calendar, the projects website,

the projects promotional video and the project social media pages and channels in Facebook, YouTube,

Instagram, LinkedIn and articles epale and Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

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