A variety of creative methods in language learning have been mainly discussed on the LOGS project meeting in Poprad, Slovakia. Multicultural Finnish Folk High School shared the experience of thematic (topic based) studying that is typical for folk high school education.
The 2019 Thematic week at the Folk high school was devoted to sustainability and traditional crafts. Teachers and students worked with this specific topic through a number of workshops during the Whole week including presentations, role play, etc. This was a continuation of the tradition of thematic study week at the School.
In 2018 Sustainability was also on the Agenda when the theme for the Week was The Global sustainability goals also Called Agenda 2030. As a teaching method teachers and students produced a role play under the topic of education for all
More than 350 students participated in about 40 workshops to present sustainable traditional crafts and activities. Some of them were: henna tattoos, singing and playing the guitar, traditional dance (Arabic and Kurdish), giving a new life to old things, making paper frames of old newspapers, and Playing and producing the scene for a mini-play in English. Language learning within such activities gets a new quality because of topic-based unprepared communication in Swedish for our Swedish learning students.
The natural way of using language skills and enhancing them through activities both motivated and created a friendly atmosphere with the implicit mix of practical and theoretical language exercises.
- It was one of the most interesting things I’ve done during my education! This week went so quick! I learned how to make jewellery and how to wear an Indian sari… and I learned so many new words! – says one of the participants of the general high school course.
Creative methods in language teaching often mean a more student-oriented studying as in case of Thematic studying with more peer interaction. Often also it includes incorporating activities from other disciplines that include actual creative activities such as drawing pictures, writing poetry, dancing, and so forth. The result will be seen immediately: more motivated and engaged students are more open to a new impact on language.