As agreed in our last Meeting in Poprad, we’ve worked on the topics and activities related to LIMERICKS and MASKS DIALOGUES, taken as examples of susscesful stories.
We practised the limericks in different classes and introduced them in the literary contest of S Jordi, on the 23rd April. The students of English and Spanish classes , once the description of what a Limerick is was provided, created their own productions, by taking into account the rules of the contest and by taking the topics of the S Jordi literary competition. This year, the literary topics for all the languages studied in our school (English, French, Spanish and Catalan) were:
1)Free topic
2)I was, I am, I will be
3)What is love?
4)What is happiness for me?
The idea of working limericks was very well accepted by the students, who created their poems by applying the instructions previously introduced by the different teachers. The learner found this activity funny, creative and full of content, since they , in an inductive way, had to improve their use of the Language. They illustrated the limericks with some pictures or photographs related to the topics.
This activity was very successful and the students felt really inspired and, at the same time, they had the feeling that they were learning by taking the content of their personal experiences, their feelings and their thoughts.
The second activity was the MASKS DIALOGUE. The results have been very positive. The learners have developed their imagination, their creativity, their critical thinking and have taken the content of the dialogues from their daily life: the celebrities of their society, the representatives sports players of their favourite football teams or characters taken from very known and popular films .
The mask dialogue activity has helped the students to be creativa, the learning has been students-centred and not the teacher. The use of the masks has made the performance more realistic and, the fact of using the masks has helped them to hide the shame when performing. Moreover, a vídeo of the performances has been recordar: this issue has been very practical because, by repeating the recording several times, in order to improve the final results of the dialogue, the students have made a feedback process to get better resulsts with the use of the Language and its oral practice.